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Clifford Chance

Clifford Chance


Liability Management - Key Considerations for Debt Issuers in Asia Pacific - 2nd Edition

14 December 2018

Since the publication of the First Edition of our guide "Liability Management – Key Considerations for Debt Issuers in Asia Pacific", there has been increasing volatility in various currency markets driven by recent US federal reserve rate increases (with further rate increases having been signalled to occur through the end of 2018 and into 2019) and an appreciating USD, as well as resulting from tensions in global trade policies and continuing volatility in the GBP and EUR currency markets after the Brexit vote in 2016.

This Second Edition describes the main techniques which issuers in the region, who are considering liability management either in the context of an active debt capital restructuring exercise, and both distressed and non-distressed financial situations, might employ. It also highlights some of the legal issues that they and their financial advisors will need to take into account.

You can use the insights within to understand recent changes in the regulatory landscape and familiarise yourself with new developments and techniques in liability management transactions.

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