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Clifford Chance advises on China Pacific Insurance's US$1.8 billion offering and London GDR listing

17 June 2020

Clifford Chance advises on China Pacific Insurance's US$1.8 billion offering and London GDR listing

Leading international law firm Clifford Chance has advised UBS and Huatai International (as joint global coordinators) and HSBC, CICC, Morgan Stanley and J.P. Morgan (as joint bookrunners) on China Pacific Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd. (CPIC)'s US$1.8 billion offering and listing of global depositary receipts (GDRs) on the Shanghai-London Stock Connect segment of the London Stock Exchange.

Pricing of the transaction was announced yesterday with conditional trading on the London Stock Exchange commencing today. Once unconditional trading occurs (expected on 22 June 2020), the transaction will be the largest capital raising via an admission to the London Stock Exchange in 2020 to date, and CPIC will become the first Shanghai, Hong Kong and London listed insurance company and only the second Chinese company to list GDRs in London under the Shanghai-London Stock Connect programme.

A cross-border team advised on the deal, led by partners Simon Thomas and Chris Roe (London), Tim Wang (Beijing) and Jean Thio (Singapore). They were supported by consultant Corey Zhang (Hong Kong), counsel Lorna Lyu (Shanghai), senior associate James Spencer (London), and associates James Zhang (Beijing), Phoebe Richardson (London) and Emma Bao (Hong Kong).

Tim Wang commented, "CPIC's London GDR listing will help strengthen the trading links between the two countries, and help attract more Chinese companies to consider London as a venue for global capital raising."

Chris Roe said, "We are delighted to have advised on a listing of such significance to both the Shanghai and London markets, utilising our market-leading know-how on Shanghai-London Stock Connect transactions and our leading equity capital markets teams in the UK and Asia."

The firm has advised on many of the market's recent leading listings, including having advised Huatai Securities on its landmark London GDR listing in June 2019, the first London GDR listing under the Shanghai-London Stock Connect programme.


本次发行交易的定价已于昨日宣布,并于今日开始有条件交易。本次发行预计将于2020年6月22日上市并开始无条件交易,有望成为今年迄今为止通过伦交所募集资金规模最大的交易。中国太保亦将成为首家“沪港伦”三地上市的保险企业和第二家根据“沪伦通”交易机制进行 GDR上市的中国企业。

本项目的高伟绅跨境法律服务团队由伦敦办公室合伙人Simon Thomas律师、Chris Roe律师、中国区联席管理合伙人王彦峰律师及新加坡办公室合伙人张珮真律师牵头负责,律师团队还包括张可畏、吕娜、James Spencer、张南、Phoebe Richardson和包宸。


Chris Roe 律师表示:“高伟绅在中国及英国拥有顶尖的股权资本市场团队,凭借我们在‘沪伦通’交易领域市场领先的执业能力,我们很高兴能够为此次上海和伦敦两地市场间的重大上市项目提供法律服务。”
