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Clifford Chance advises BlackRock on the acquisition of two logistics warehouses near Munich and Regensburg

4 February 2019

Clifford Chance advises BlackRock on the acquisition of two logistics warehouses near Munich and Regensburg

Clifford Chance has advised asset manager BlackRock on the acquisition of two class A logistics warehouses in the vicinity of Munich and Regensburg by means of a share deal, as well as on the structuring of the transaction. The warehouses were purchased by BlackRock Eurozone Core Property Fund. With an area of 43,000 m², they were built in 2017 and 2014 and are completely leased to a pharmaceutical logistics company for another nine years.

The Clifford Chance Germany team comprised partner Kristina Jaeger and associate Isabel Freudenberg (both Real Estate, Frankfurt), partner Marco Simonis and counsel Anette Hofmann (both Tax, Frankfurt), partner Jörg Rhiel and senior associates Margret Bootz-Hagen and Annette Röhder as well as senior transaction lawyer Carina Soesanto (all Corporate/M&A, Frankfurt). The team at the Luxembourg office comprised partner Christian Kremer, senior associate Sascha Nolte and associate Maximilian Fritz (all Corporate), partner Geoffrey Scardoni, counsel Maxime Budzin and senior associate Josselin Badoc (all Tax).

Clifford Chance berät BlackRock beim Erwerb von zwei Logistiklagern bei München und Regensburg

Die internationale Anwaltssozietät Clifford Chance hat den Vermögensverwalter BlackRock beim Erwerb von zwei Logistiklagern der Klasse A in den Regionen München und Regensburg im Wege eines Share Deals sowie bei der Strukturierung des Ankaufs beraten. Der Erwerb erfolgte durch den BlackRock Eurozone Core Property Fund. Die 43.000 Quadratmeter großen Objekte wurden 2017 und 2014 gebaut und sind für die Restlaufzeit von neun Jahren vollständig an ein Pharmalogistik-Unternehmen vermietet.

Das Clifford Chance Team bestand aus Partnerin Dr. Kristina Jaeger und Associate Isabel Freudenberg (beide Real Estate, Frankfurt), Partner Marco Simonis und Counsel Anette Hofmann (beide Steuerrecht, Frankfurt), Partner Dr. Jörg Rhiel und den Senior Associates Dr. Margret Bootz-Hagen und Annette Röhder sowie Senior Transaction Lawyer Carina Soesanto (alle Corporate/M&A, Frankfurt). Aus dem Luxemburger Büro berieten Partner Christian Kremer, Senior Associate Sascha Nolte und Associate Maximilian Fritz (alle Corporate), Partner Geoffrey Scardoni, Counsel Maxime Budzin und Senior Associate Josselin Badoc (alle Steuerrecht).