Clifford Chance advises ICBC on Central and Eastern European focused investment fund targeting €10 billion
10 November 2016
- Tim Wang, Ying White, Paul Van den Abeele, , Frank Scholderer, Simon Crown, , Avrohom Gelber, , , Rebecca Pereira (She/Her), , Gregor Evenkamp, Alexandra Margarete Uhl, , , Martin Barlösius,
- Beijing
Clifford Chance advises ICBC on Central and Eastern European focused investment fund targeting €10 billion
Leading international law firm Clifford Chance is advising the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) on the establishment of a European investment fund that is focused on projects in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). The fund is part of China's major initiative to develop a modern silk road – 'One Belt One Road', and was formally announced at the China and CEE Countries Summit in Riga, Latvia on 5 November 2016.
The fund will focus on developing the infrastructure, high-tech manufacturing and consumer goods industries in the CEE countries with the intention of promoting more economic interaction between the Chinese and the European markets. The size of the fund is expected to reach €10 billion and expected investors include governmental investors from of CEE countries, as well as Asian institutional investors.
China Co-Managing Partner Tim Wang and partner Ying White are leading on the matter, with extensive involvement from European partners Paul van den Abeele, Joëlle Hauser, Frank Scholderer and Simon Crown, counsel Augustin de Longeaux, Hong Kong partner Mark Shipman and consultant Helen Fok, as well as US tax partner Avrohom Gelber and senior associate Rebecca Pereira. The Prague, Warsaw and Munich offices are also involved.
"This project is an excellent example of what we do best: one team providing clients with deep local knowledge across jurisdictions on the full range of regulatory and legal issues," partner Ying White said. "This is one of many One Belt One Road initiatives the Firm is pleased to be involved with."
Clifford Chance berät ICBC bei europäischem 10 Mrd. Euro Investmentfonds
Die internationale Anwaltssozietät Clifford Chance hat die Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) bei der Auflage eines europäischen Investmentfonds für Projekte in Kontinental- und Osteuropa beraten. Der Fonds ist Teil einer umfangreichen chinesischen Initiative, eine moderne Form der "Seidenstraße" (One Belt, One Road) zu entwickeln.
Der Fonds wird vor allem in Infrastrukturentwicklung, Hochtechnologieunternehmen und Verbrauchsgüterhersteller in den kontinental- und osteuropäischen Staaten mit dem Ziel investieren, zu einem verstärkten Wirtschaftsaustausch zwischen China und den europäischen Märkten zu kommen. Für den Fonds wird ein Volumen von 10 Mrd. Euro angestrebt, die vor allem von kontinental- und osteuropäischen Regierungen wie auch von asiatischen institutionellen Investoren erwartet werden.
Das mehrere Clifford Chance-Büros umfassende Team wurde geleitet von Partner Tim Wang (Co-Managing Partner China, Corporate) und Partnerin Ying White (Investmentfonds, beide Peking) und bestand in Deutschland aus den Partnern Dr. Frank Scholderer (Frankfurt), Dr. Stefanie Tetz (München, beide Corporate), Dr. Gregor Evenkamp und Counsel Dr. Alexandra Uhl (beide Aufsichtsrecht, Frankfurt), Senior Associate Dr. Philipp Schäuble (Arbeitsrecht), Partnerin Cornelia Thaler (Frankfurt), den Senior Associates Martin Barlösius und Dorothea Schimmel (beide München, alle Real Estate) sowie Senior Transaction Lawyer Carina Soesanto und Transaction Lawyer Ömer Cilingir (beide Corporate, Frankfurt).
Außerdem waren die Clifford Chance-Büros Luxemburg (Partnerin Joëlle Hauser, Partner Paul van den Abeele, beide Investmentfonds), Hongkong (Partner Mark Shipman, Corporate), London (Partner Simon Crown, Finance), New York (Partner Avrohom Gelber, Tax) sowie Prag und Warschau beratend tätig.