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Clifford Chance advises China Merchants Bank on €186 million financing for ACE Investment Fund relating to wind portfolio assets in Italy and Poland

10 January 2023

Clifford Chance advises China Merchants Bank on €186 million financing for ACE Investment Fund relating to wind portfolio assets in Italy and Poland

Leading international law firm Clifford Chance has advised China Merchants Bank (CMB) Co. Ltd, Luxembourg Branch on its €186 million secured financing for clean energy fund ACE Investment Fund LP to invest in renewable energy assets, including a portfolio of operational wind farms in Poland and Italy with an aggregate generation capacity of 548 MW.

Commenting on the transaction partner Vicky Ma said, "We are pleased to support China Merchants Bank on this cross-border financing transaction, which is in line with CMB's strong commitment to promote renewable energy globally."

Vicky led a cross-jurisdiction team consisting of senior associate Yi Wang (Luxembourg), associate Agnes Tse (Hong Kong) and trainee Oscar Chan (Hong Kong), supported by partner Martin Wurth (Luxembourg) and associate Tjasa Perger (Luxembourg). Harney Westwood & Riegels acted as Cayman Islands counsel.

Clifford Chance regularly advises clients on market-leading energy transition-related transactions, including cross-border financing and investments in renewable energy and infrastructure projects. These include advising China Three Gorges on the acquisitions in Spain of a 619MW renewables portfolio and a 181MW portfolio of operating wind farms, and CDPQ on its landmark US$2.7 billion acquisition and holdco financing in Taiwan's Greater Changhua 1 offshore wind farm.

高伟绅助力招商银行为ACE Investment Fund在意大利和波兰的风电资产组合提供1.86亿欧元融资

国际领先律师事务所高伟绅就招商银行股份有限公司卢森堡分行(“招商银行”)为清洁能源基金ACE Investment Fund LP投资的可再生能源资产提供1.86亿欧元有担保融资提供法律服务,相关资产包括位于波兰和意大利的总装机容量为548MW的正在运营的多个风电场。


马颖琪合伙人领导的跨国团队成员包括卢森堡办公室的汪毅、香港办公室的谢颖熙和陈伟略,团队由卢森堡办公室的合伙人Martin Wurth和Tjasa Perger提供支持。Harney Westwood & Riegels担任开曼群岛法律顾问。

高伟绅长期为客户的各类大型能源转型交易提供法律服务,其中包括可再生能源和基础设施项目领域的各类跨国融资和投资交易,其中包括为中国长江三峡集团有限公司在西班牙收购619MW的可再生能源资产组合和181MW的风电场资产组合提供法律服务,以及就CDPQ以27亿美元收购彰化Greater Changhua 1海上风电场以及相关控股公司的融资提供法律服务。