FCA consults on extending climate related disclosure requirements and certain ESG matters
15 July 2021
On 22 June the FCA published CP21/18 consulting on proposals to extend the application of their climate-related disclosures listing rule to standard listed companies and also seeking views on broader environmental, social and governance (ESG) topics in capital markets.
This consultation has two limbs. The first, is focused on the extension of the FCA's TCFD aligned 'comply or explain' listing rule and the second, is a more discursive fact finding request seeking views on ESG prospectus disclosure for debt securities and possible regulatory oversight of third party ESG verifiers and ESG rating agencies. The consultation is open until 10 September 2021. We have prepared another briefing considering the FCA's other consultation paper, Enhancing climate-related disclosures by asset managers, life insurers and FCA-regulated pension providers.
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