The implementation of Directive 2009/28/CE in Italy on the promotion of renewable energies
17 February 2011
The Italian government has proposed a new draft Legislative
Decree to implement Directive 2009/28/CE
on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources,
which was due to be transposed by all EU Member States by 5
December 2010. The Draft Decree is currently under review in
the appropriate Parliamentary Commissions. The Draft Decree
has also been made available to the industry operators for their
informal review and comments.
The Draft Decree introduces significant changes in the legislative
framework governing incentives, authorisation procedures, biofuels
and guarantees of origin. As may be expected, given the
potential economic impact of the Draft Decree on the industry,
many operators have commented, offering mainly criticism.
This Client Briefing summarises the main provisions of the Draft
Decree, and reports on the main observations raised by the
industry and the institutional subjects.