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Clifford Chance

Clifford Chance


Italy: update on the legislative framework affecting solar plants

14 January 2011

The Italian legislative framework governing renewable energies and,
particularly, photovoltaic energy, is rapidly evolving. As we reported in a
previous client briefing (July 2010), the approval of the Alcoa Decree, the
much-awaited "guidelines for the authorisation to construct and operate
plants for the production of electric energy from renewable sources" and
the third Conto Energia have significantly contributed to shape the
legislative environment governing the construction and operations of
solar power plants, especially with regard to the authorisation
procedures and the incentives available for the operators.

More recently, some new provisions have been discussed and
approved, contributing, along with those mentioned above, to the
ongoing evolution of the legislative framework.

This client briefing offers an update to our July 2010 client briefing and gives a
comprehensive overview of the most recent legislative developments.

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