Clifford Chance launches global pro bono programme to support Anti-Slavery International
23 October 2011
Clifford Chance launches global pro bono programme to support Anti-Slavery International
International law firm Clifford Chance announced today that 15 offices from around its global network have pledged to provide pro bono support to Anti Slavery International, the world's oldest international human rights organisation.
Anti Slavery International is the only charity in the UK to work exclusively against slavery. Founded in 1839 it operates at local, national and international levels to eliminate all forms of slavery around the world.
The Clifford Chance team, led by partners Carlos Conceicao in London and Matthew Truman in Hong Kong, includes around 30 lawyers globally providing a co-ordinated and planned programme of pro bono support to a number of Anti Slavery International projects aimed at eradicating modern day slavery.
The launch of the pro bono programme marks the UK's Anti-Slavery Day which was established in 2010 to provide a focus point for raising awareness about the many people in the UK and around the world who continue to be trapped in modern slavery and to promote the need for many individuals and organisations across society to play a part in ending it.
Carlos Conceicao said:
"Along with many colleagues, I have been shocked at what I have discovered, with Anti-Slavery International's help, about the extent of modern forms of slavery around the world. This is the first time that we have sought to co-ordinate pro bono support in such a planned and sustained way at the outset of a relationship with an NGO with the involvement of so many of our offices. We are confident that, with that level of support, we will be able to enhance the effectiveness of ASI's work."
Dr Aidan McQuade, Director, Anti-Slavery International, added:
“Slavery still needs abolishing. It hasn’t gone away and exists throughout the world, affecting children, women and men. There are a minimum of 12.3 million people in slavery around the world, with around 5,000 estimated to be in the UK. Trafficking, bonded labour, forced labour and descent-based slavery are crimes against humanity. To eradicate them, the rule of law will play a significant part, which is why we’re especially pleased that Clifford Chance are providing us with this global support. Together, Anti-Slavery International and Clifford can make a great contribution to improving the rights of people in slavery.“
The Clifford Chance offices which have committed to supporting Anti Slavery International include Bangkok, Barcelona, Beijing, Hong Kong, London, Madrid, New York, Prague, Sao Paolo Shanghai, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo, Warsaw and Washington DC.