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Clifford Chance

Clifford Chance


Dos and Don'ts when an IT Project is in difficulties

11 March 2011

A recent English High Court decision, De Beers UK v Atos Origin IT Services

UK Ltd [2010] EWHC 3276, provides guidance on addressing issues that may

arise when an IT project is in difficulties and what negotiating ploys may or may

not be permissible. For a supplier to demand that a contract be repriced on the

grounds of "scope creep" and to suspend work when that repricing was not

forthcoming, was not permissible. The supplier's conduct amounted to a

repudiatory breach leading to termination of the original contract, for which the

supplier was held liable in damages in the amount of the cost of procuring a

replacement system. On the other hand, a customer temporarily withholding

payment of a £300,000 invoice in order to gain a bit of leverage in discussions

was (in the circumstances) not a repudiatory breach: provided it was combined

with other behaviour which demonstrated a willingness to continue performing

its contractual obligations.

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