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Clifford Chance advises Miura Partners on the sale of its stake in Terrats Medical

19 February 2024

Clifford Chance advises Miura Partners on the sale of its stake in Terrats Medical

Clifford Chance has advised Miura Partners on the sale of its stake in Terrats Medical, a leading global provider of dental prosthetics, including abutments and implants to New York-based private equity firm Avista Capital Partners. As part of this transaction, Terrats Medical’ founders have reinvested in the company and will continue to lead the business. Miura will also continue to support Terrats Medical in the next phase of its growth.

Since Miura Partners's investment in 2020, Terrats Medical has implemented various initiatives to fuel growth and improve operations, including the enhancement of direct sales under the DESS® Dental Smart Solutions brand, expansion of the company’s digitization strategy, the launch of the implantology business, and the acquisitions of distributors Geryon (USA) and Humanus Dental (Sweden).

The cross-border Clifford Chance team was led by Corporate/M&A partner Guillermo Guardia, together with senior associate José María Vilaseca and associates María Viñas and Sandra Bazín. Counsel Fernando Escribano advised on tax related matters. The wider team in Spain included Senior Counsel Carme Briera (Regulatory), Counsel Begoña Barrantes (Antitrust) and Counsel Jorge Martín-Fernandez (Employment). The US team included Corporate/M&A Partner Thais García and associate Mark Sheehy. The UK team included Corporate/M&A Partner Riaz Pirmohamed and associate Thomas Cowie.

Clifford Chance asesora a Miura Partners en la venta de su participación en Terrats Medical

Clifford Chance ha asesorado a Miura Partners en la venta de su participación en Terrats Medical, un proveedor líder mundial de prótesis dentales, incluyendo aditamentos e implantes, al fondo de capital riesgo americano Avista Capital Partners. Como parte de la transacción, los fundadores de Terrats Medical han reinvertido en la compañía y continuarán liderando el negocio. Miura seguirá prestando apoyo a Terrats Medical en la siguiente fase de su crecimiento.

Desde la inversión de Miura Partners en 2020, Terrats Medical ha implementado varias iniciativas orgánicas y ha apostado por el crecimiento internacional y el refuerzo operativo. Destacan acciones clave como el impulso de la venta omnicanal a través de DESS® Dental Smart Solutions, el lanzamiento del negocio de implantología y la adquisición de los distribuidores Geryon (EE.UU) y Humanus Dental (Suecia).

El equipo de Clifford Chance ha sido liderado por el socio de Corporate/M&A Guillermo Guardia, con el apoyo del asociado sénior José María Vilaseca y las asociadas María Viñas y Sandra Bazín. Fernando Escribano, counsel, ha asesorado en asuntos fiscales.