Clifford Chance advises Všeobecná úverová banka, a.s. on another syndicated Slovak covered bond transaction
24 June 2020
Clifford Chance advises Všeobecná úverová banka, a.s. on another syndicated Slovak covered bond transaction
Clifford Chance advised again Všeobecná úverová banka, a.s. (VUB), a Slovak subsidiary of Intesa Sanpaolo, in connection with the update of its EUR 5 billion covered bond programme and another syndicated EUR 500 million issuance via Luxembourg Stock Exchange.
The transaction followed the footsteps of the VUB's 2019 issuances, which represented a landmark for the covered bonds market in Slovakia.
The Slovak-law team based in Prague was led by Stanislav Holec, Senior Associate, who was assisted by Andrej Havko, Junior Lawyer.
The English-law team based in Milan was led by Filippo Emanuele, Partner, with a day-by-day support from Jonathan Astbury, Senior Associate.