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News and awards

Marta Lech awarded Clifford Chance Purchase Prize at the International Print Biennale 2011

17 October 2011

Marta Lech awarded Clifford Chance Purchase Prize at the International Print Biennale 2011

Marta Lech has been awarded the Clifford Chance Purchase Prize at the International Print Biennale’s 2011 Print Awards. Marta's prints were considered the most distinctive works at the Biennale and two of her linocuts will be acquired for the Clifford Chance art collection. Further examples of Marta’s work will be exhibited at Clifford Chance's offices in Canary Wharf, the first time her work has been shown in London.

Clifford Chance commented about Marta's prints 'Her linocuts were the stand-out exhibit of the Biennale, showing amazing skill and haunting image-making, capturing both the solidity of form and the fleeting transitory nature of light – a compelling combination in a single image. The addition of her linocuts to the Clifford Chance art collection is  deserved recognition of a young but highly talented printmaker, influenced by the Polish tradition but with a contemporary twist. The Prize continues the firm's long support of the art of printmaking.'  Marta has explained her approach to printmaking 'I usually begin my work on dark plain surfaces. No matter which technique I choose, blackness is the most natural space for me to begin my artistic creation, thus linocut has become my favourite graphic medium. The technique is very simple. There is a cut on a plain. There is pure white or pure black'.

Marta (b. 1979) lives and works in Poland. She studied at the Academy of Arts in Wrocław, Poland. Previous group exhibitions include Biennale International, D’Estampe Contemporaine Trois- Riveres, Quebec, Canada (2007); Exhibition of Drawing, Animation Gallery, Domek Romanski Gallery, Wroclaw (2003); International workshop of Exlibris Prints, Krzyzowa, Poland (2001). Selected prizes include: Gaz Metro Public Award, 5th Biennale International D’Estampe Contemporaine Trois-Rivieres (2007); Grand Prize, 14th Seoul Space Print Biennial, South Korea (2006).

Showcasing the best in new British and international printmaking, the International Print Biennale 2011 is a programme of exhibitions, events, activities and an international symposium taking place across Newcastle and the North East. The 2011 Print Awards is the centrepiece of the 2011 International Print Biennale.