Clifford Chance advises BGP Immo-West on the refinancing of its real estate portfolio
13 October 2011
Clifford Chance advises BGP Immo-West on the refinancing of its real estate portfolio
The international law firm Clifford Chance advised BGP Immo-West S.à r.l. & Co KG on the successful refinancing of its real estate portfolio with ING Bank N.V.
BGP Immo-West S.à r.l.& Co KG is a company of the BGP Group, which holds several residential-, retail- and officeportfolios in Europe.
The Clifford Chance team was led by partner Dr. Patrick Biagosch (Corporate, Munich) and comprised senior associates Dr. Bernhard Magg (Corporate, Munich) and Christian Hentrich (Banking & Capital Markets, Munich).
Clifford Chance berät BGP Immo-West bei Refinanzierung ihres Immobilienportfolios
Die internationale Anwaltssozietät Clifford Chance hat die BGP Immo-West S.à r.l. & Co KG bei der erfolgreichen Refinanzierung ihres Immobilienportfolios mit der ING Bank N.V. beraten.
BGP Immo-West S.à r.l.& Co KG ist eine Gesellschaft der BGP-Gruppe, die zahlreiche Wohn-, Gewerbe- und Büroimmobilienportfolios in Europa hält.
Das Beratungsteam von Clifford Chance unter Federführung von Partner Dr. Patrick Biagosch (Corporate, München) bestand aus den Senior Associates Dr. Bernhard Magg (Corporate, München) und Christian Hentrich (Banking & Capital Markets, München).