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Clifford Chance advises Triton on acquisition of Israeli Raphael Valves Industries

14 August 2011

Clifford Chance advises Triton on acquisition of Israeli Raphael Valves Industries

Clifford Chance advised Private Equity Investor Triton and its portfolio companies Talis Management Holding GmbH on the acquisition of Israeli Raphael Valves Industries Ltd., Or-Aquiva.

Raphael is one of the leading Israeli manufacturers of hydraulic control valves for irrigation systems, fire protection and waterworks.

Talis holds leading brands in the field of valve technology such as Erhard, Schmieding, Strate, Frischhut, Bayard or Belgicast and offers more than 20,000 products relating to water transport or control.

The Clifford Chance team was led by partner Oliver Felsenstein and included senior associate Dr. Leif U. Schrader, associate Dr. Robert John (all Private Equity, Frankfurt), senior associates Frank Schlobach and Anne Crayen (both Banking & Capital Markets, Frankfurt), partner Marc Besen and associate Dr. Achim Gronemeyer (both Antitrust, Düsseldorf) as well as lawyers from Clifford Chance offices in Madrid and Luxembourg.

Clifford Chance berät Triton beim Erwerb der israelischen Raphael Valves Industries

Die internationale Anwaltssozietät Clifford Chance hat den Private Equity Investor Triton und dessen Portfoliounternehmen Talis Management Holding GmbH beim Erwerb der israelischen Gesellschaft Raphael Valves Industries Ltd., Or-Aqiva, beraten.

Raphael ist einer der führenden israelischen Hersteller von hydraulischen Kontrollventilen für Bewässerungssysteme, Feuerschutz und  Wasserversorgungsanlagen.

Talis führt unter seinem Dach führende Armaturentechnikmarken wie Erhard, Schmieding, Strate, Frischhut, Bayard oder Belgicast mit über 20.000 Produkten rund um das Thema Wasser.

Das Beratungsteam von Clifford Chance bestand aus Partner Oliver Felsenstein, Senior Associate Dr. Leif U. Schrader, Associate Dr. Robert John (alle Private Equity, Frankfurt), Senior Associates Frank Schlobach und Anne Crayen (Banking & Capital Markets, Frankfurt), Partner Marc Besen und Associate Dr. Achim Gronemeyer (beide Kartellrecht, Düsseldorf) sowie Anwälten aus den Büros Madrid und Luxemburg.