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Clifford Chance

Clifford Chance


Employee Benefits News - February 2012

3 February 2012

Since our last edition of Employee Benefits News there has been no let-up in the pressure for reform of executive remuneration and in this edition we outline some of the practical implications of the Government's proposals for executive remuneration. In particular, we look at the Government's proposals that (1) a backward looking remuneration statement should include a single figure for total remuneration for each director and (2) the UK Corporate Governance Code should be amended to require "claw-back".

In this edition we also:

• explain the implications of HMRC's proposed changes to PAYE on share plans from 6 April 2012;
• provide an update on the latest developments on the EU prospectus directive for companies offering share plans; and
• outline the latest Government proposals to improve access to share plans for all companies.

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