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Clifford Chance

Clifford Chance
Access to justice<br />

Access to justice

Community & pro bono

We see equality in the ability to access justice as fundamental to the upholding of the rule of law.

When access is unequal, people can find it difficult to navigate the rules that govern their lives and some of their interactions with the rest of society and to secure remedies when others break the law. As a result, their confidence and stake in the rule of law diminishes. Over time the rule of law is undermined. 

Our global pro bono practice tackles many of the barriers that prevent people from accessing justice. We provide free legal advice and representation in deprived communities around the world. We support strategic litigation aimed at unlocking access to basic rights for minority groups and others suffering from discrimination.

Responsible Business Report 2024

Our progress towards our Responsible Business objectives during the financial year ended 30 April 2024 (FY24) was guided by our focus on understanding the evolving needs of our stakeholders – our people, our clients and our communities – and translating them into actions which deliver positive impact.

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Recognition from the Cyrus R Vance Foundation

We're proud to be recognised by the Cyrus R Vance Foundation for our pro bono research project for Terre des Hommes, mapping international laws relevant to children's rights in the context of climate change and the environment. Janet Whittaker in Washington, DC led our team of more than 60 lawyers across 17 Clifford Chance offices to complete the project.

Our insights

The latest points of view from our people on our responsible business activities

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