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Clifford Chance

Clifford Chance
Ekaterina Zaboussova-Celsa

Ekaterina Zaboussova-Celsa


Ekaterina Zaboussova-Celsa

Ekaterina Zaboussova-Celsa has an extensive experience in advising listed issuers on the implementation of international employee share programs, equity-based compensation schemes and on corporate governance issues.

  • All-employee international share purchase plans, including classic and leveraged schemes, direct shareholding and French FCPE (fonds commun de placement d'entreprise)
  • Employee share plans in the context of IPO and privatization
  • Long-term incentive plans (performance shares, stock options, deferred cash-based arrangements)
  • Compliance with compensation requirements under CRD IV/V and Solvency II
  • Corporate governance issues including remuneration, representation of employees and employee-shareholders in boards of directors, say-on-pay
  • Employee share schemes and equity-based compensation in the context of M&A transactions (mergers, demergers, change of control, public offering)

News and client work

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Career and qualifications

  • University of Panthéon-Assas, Paris II (DESS – DJCE), 2000
  • Joined Shearman & Sterling in 2000
  • Admitted to Paris bar in 2002
  • Clifford Chance since 2018
  • Partner since May 2023

Awards and citations

  • Ekaterina Zaboussova-Celsa (Spotlight) assists clients with the implementation of international and domestic employee shareholding schemes and long-term incentive plans. She is particularly sought after by large players in the energy, construction and transportation sectors.
    "It is a real pleasure to work with her."
    "It is pleasant to work with Ekaterina and she always brings relevant and substantiated reflections on the work for which we engage her."
    "We get a very good level of support from Ekaterina and her team."

    Chambers France 2025, Employee Share Schemes & Incentives
  • Ekaterina Zaboussova-Celsa (Spotlight) assists clients with the implementation of international and domestic employee shareholding schemes and long-term incentive plans. She is particularly sought after by large players in the energy, construction and transportation sectors.
    "Ekaterina Zaboussova-Celsa has a good understanding of our activities and what is at stake for us. She understands what we are expecting to gain and focus on, and she is very available, pragmatic and innovative."
    Chambers Europe 2024, Employee Share Schemes & Incentives - France
  • Clifford Chance wins a significant share of European IPOs and its Paris team plays a central role in securing that work. The group also handles a steady stream of rights issues, share capital increases, convertible bonds, block trades and equity derivatives. In addition, the team has niche strength in employee share schemes, with the recent arrival of counsel Ekaterina Zaboussova-Celsa from Shearman & Sterling LLP boosting its offering in that area."
    Legal500 EMEA 2020