Simon Reitz advises financial institutions, debt funds, private equity sponsors and companies on syndicated and unitranche lending transactions.
His experience includes advising on domestic and cross-border acquisition finance, corporate finance, sustainability linked finance and debt restructurings.
Simon Reitz is a lecturer at the Institute for Law and Finance of Goethe University Frankfurt am Main.
Simon Reitz berät Finanzinstitute, Debt Fonds, Private Equity Sponsoren und Unternehmen zu syndizierten sowie Unitranche Krediten.
Seine Erfahrung umfasst regionale und grenzüberschreitende Akquisitionsfinanzierungen, Unternehmensfinanzierungen, ESG-getriebene Finanzierungen und deren Restrukturierung.
Simon Reitz ist Lehrbeauftragter des Institutes for Law and Finance der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main.
Contact details
- Clifford Chance, Frankfurt
- +496971991319
- Email me
- Follow me on LinkedIn
- Speaks German and English
- Spricht Deutsch und Englisch
- Practice area Global Financial Markets
- Sector Banks, Private equity, Infrastructure investors
Career and qualifications
- Justus-Liebig-University Giessen (Dr. jur.) 2012
- Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen (Doktor der Rechtswissenschaften – Dr. iur.) 2012
Awards and citations
- Often recommended - "professionally sensational and also really nice "
JUVE 2024 – Credit and acquisition financing - Most Renowned Lawyers for Banking and Finance
WirtschaftsWoche 2024 - "Up and Coming – Chambers and Partners (Global 2025 Banking & Finance)"
- "Simon Reitz is very experienced and provides exceptional advice and expertise in relation to syndicated loans. His support is of high value and he successfully executes transactions." (Legal 500 Germany 2025)
- "Simon Reitz is a great partner who is able to easily balance commercial and legal risks in order to deliver deals. He is always impressive and great to work with." (Chambers and Partners Global 2025)
- "Simon Reitz is very proactive and anticipatory, and knows the most pragmatic and ideal solutions. He also has a good feel and style for negotiations and knows how to move deals forward." (Chambers and Partners Global 2025)
- "Simon Reitz is quick, reliable, makes no mistakes in his work and is available all of the time." (Chambers and Partners Global 2025)
- "Simon Reitz is pragmatic and to the point, and his recommendations are very good." (Chambers and Partners Global 2025)
- Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch
Handelsblatt 2024 - Banking and Finance - Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch
Handelsblatt 2024 - Restructuring and Insolvency
- Häufig empfohlen - "fachl. sensationell u. auch noch richtig nett"
JUVE 2024 – Kredite und Akquisitionsfinanzierung - Die renommiertesten Anwälte für Bank- und Finanzrecht
WirtschaftsWoche 2024 - Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch
Handelsblatt 2024 - Bank- und Finanzrecht - Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch
Handelsblatt 2024 - Restrukturierung and Insolvenz - "Up and Coming – Chambers and Partners (Global 2025 Banking & Finance)"
- "Simon Reitz ist sehr erfahren und bietet außergewöhnliche Beratung und Expertise in Bezug auf Konsortialkredite. Seine Unterstützung ist von hohem Wert und er führt Transaktionen erfolgreich durch." (Legal 500 Germany 2025)
- "Simon Reitz is a great partner who is able to easily balance commercial and legal risks in order to deliver deals. He is always impressive and great to work with." (Chambers and Partners Global 2025)
- "Simon Reitz is very proactive and anticipatory, and knows the most pragmatic and ideal solutions. He also has a good feel and style for negotiations and knows how to move deals forward." (Chambers and Partners Global 2025)
- "Simon Reitz is quick, reliable, makes no mistakes in his work and is available all of the time." (Chambers and Partners Global 2025)
- "Simon Reitz is pragmatic and to the point, and his recommendations are very good." (Chambers and Partners Global 2025)