Christian Lennig specialises in investment fund work, advising domestic and foreign clients on the regulatory, corporate, contractual and organisational aspects of investment vehicles (AIFs, SIFs, SICARs, UCIs and UCITS), such as their structuring, setting-up, registration, marketing and public offering.
- Setting up various real estate funds for Savills
- Advising Oaktree on regulated and non-regulated funds, including on a RAIF
- Advising Permira on the establishment of Luxembourg employee participation scheme
- Advising MEAG on their Luxembourg UCITS funds
- Assisting with AIFM license applications and general matters of Luxembourg regulations and distribution questions
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Career and
Admitted as a Rechtsanwalt in Germany 2007
Admitted as an avocat in Luxembourg 2008
Joined Clifford Chance 2008
Counsel since 2016