12 September 2013
Global (all regions)
Clifford Chance won two awards at the Derivatives Week 2013 Global Derivatives awards: Global Law Firm of the Year - In the Global Derivatives Survey, Clifford Chance ranked highly in all areas of derivatives related regulation in the Americas, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and Asia Pacific. Officials at the firm highlighted for their derivatives expertise by buyside and sellside firms included Habib Motani and Simon Gleeson, partners in London.
Asia Law Firm Of The Year: In Asia's main derivative trading hubs such as Singapore, Hong Kong and Tokyo, Clifford Chance ranked above the competition for its derivatives expertise not only in more developed Asia Pacific derivative markets, but also emerging markets such as Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. The firm was lauded by market participants for its knowledge of ISDA related documentation initiatives and its understanding of the different tax and product requirements in different Asia Pacific jurisdictions.