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Luxembourg Legal Updates

Luxembourg's Legal Update newsletters provide a compact summary and guidance on the new legal issues that could impact your business, particularly in relation to banking, finance, capital markets, corporate, litigation, employment, funds, investment management and tax law.

Luxembourg Legal Update – July 2024

This edition covers, amongst other topics, the most recent developments relating to the Luxembourg jurisdiction.

See our Luxembourg Legal Update – July 2024

Luxembourg Legal Update – March 2024

This edition covers, amongst other topics, the most recent developments relating to the Luxembourg jurisdiction.

See our Luxembourg Legal Update – March 2024

Luxembourg Legal Update – November 2023

This edition covers, amongst other topics, the most recent developments relating to the Luxembourg jurisdiction.

See our Luxembourg Legal Update – November 2023

Luxembourg Legal Update – July 2023

This edition covers, amongst other topics, the most recent developments relating to the Luxembourg jurisdiction.

See our Luxembourg Legal Update – July 2023

Luxembourg Legal Update – March 2023

This edition covers, amongst other topics, the most recent developments relating to the Luxembourg jurisdiction.

See our Luxembourg Legal Update – March 2023

Luxembourg Legal Update – November 2022

This edition covers, amongst other topics, the most recent developments relating to the Luxembourg jurisdiction.

See our Luxembourg Legal Update – November 2022

Luxembourg Legal Update – July 2022

This edition covers, amongst other topics, the most recent developments relating to the Luxembourg jurisdiction.

See our Luxembourg Legal Update – July 2022

Luxembourg Legal Update – March 2022

This edition covers, amongst other topics, the most recent developments relating to the Luxembourg jurisdiction.

See our Luxembourg Legal Update: March 2022

Luxembourg Legal Update – November 2021

This edition covers, amongst other topics, the most recent developments relating to the Luxembourg jurisdiction.

See our Luxembourg Legal Update – November 2021

Luxembourg Legal Update – July 2021

This edition covers, amongst other topics, the most recent developments relating to the Luxembourg jurisdiction.

See our Luxembourg Legal Update – July 2021

Luxembourg Legal Update – Mar 2021

This edition covers, amongst other topics, the most recent developments relating to the Luxembourg jurisdiction.

See our Luxembourg Legal Update – March 2021

Luxembourg Legal Update – July 2020

This edition covers, amongst other topics, the most recent developments relating to the Luxembourg jurisdiction.

See our Luxembourg Legal Update – July 2020

Luxembourg Legal Update – March 2020

This edition covers, amongst other topics, the most recent developments relating to the Luxembourg jurisdiction.

See our Luxembourg Legal Update – March 2020

Luxembourg Legal Update – October 2019

This edition covers, amongst other topics, the most recent developments relating to the Luxembourg jurisdiction.

See our Luxembourg Legal Update - October 2019

Luxembourg Legal Update – January 2019

This edition covers, amongst other topics, the most recent developments relating to the Luxembourg jurisdiction.

See our Luxembourg Legal Update - January 2019

Luxembourg Legal Update – July 2018

This edition covers, amongst other topics, the most recent developments relating to the Luxembourg jurisdiction.

See our Luxembourg Legal Update - July 2018

Luxembourg Legal Update – April 2018

This edition covers, amongst other topics, the most recent developments relating to the Luxembourg jurisdiction.

See our Luxembourg Legal Update - April 2018

Luxembourg Legal Update – November 2017

This edition covers, amongst other topics, the most recent developments relating to the outcome of the 23 June 2016 referendum in the UK.

See our Luxembourg Legal Update - November 2017

Luxembourg Legal Update - July 2017

This edition covers, amongst other topics, the Law of 15 December 2016 on equal pay between men and women in Luxembourg and the Grand Ducal Regulation of 22 May 2017 on e-archiving.

See our Luxembourg Legal Update - July 2017

Luxembourg Legal Update - March 2017

This edition covers, amongst other topics, the Law of 28 October 2016 on Professional Qualifications Recognition and the Luxembourg Tax Reform for 2017.

See our Luxembourg Legal Update - March 2017

Luxembourg Legal Update - November 2016

This edition covers, amongst other topics, the Law of 11 October 2016 on the reform of the parental leave, the Law of 23 July 2016 on the new form of simplified S.à.r.l. and the Luxembourg tax reform for 2017.

See our Luxembourg Legal Update - November 2016

Luxembourg Legal Update - July 2016

This edition covers, amongst other topics, the Law of 27 May 2016 on the legal publication regime applicable to commercial companies and associations, the modernisation of the Luxembourg company law and the Law of 10 May 2016 implementing UCITS V.

See our Luxembourg Legal Update - July 2016

Luxembourg Legal Update - April 2016

This edition covers, amongst other topics, Reserved Alternative Investment Funds (RAIF) and the Law of 18 December 2015 amending certain provisions of the Companies Law, the Law on the Register of Commerce and Annual Accounts and the Luxembourg commercial code.

See our Luxembourg Legal Update - April 2016

Luxembourg Legal Update - November 2015

This edition of our Luxembourg Legal Update covers, amongst other topics, the Law of 24 July 2015 implementing FATCA, the Law of 23 July 2015 on the remuneration policies in the financial sector and the Bill of law N°6858 on the automatic exchange of information on financial accounts in tax matters.

See our Luxembourg Legal Update - November 2015

Luxembourg Legal Update - July 2015

This edition of our Luxembourg Legal Update covers, amongst other topics, the CSSF Annual Activity Report for 2014 and the Prospectus Law, and a case law on the limitation of liability clause for banks.

See our Luxembourg Legal Update - July 2015

Luxembourg Legal Update - March 2015

This edition of our Luxembourg Legal Update covers, amongst other topics, the Law of 28 July 2014 on the immobilisation of bearer shares and the holding of a register for registered shares and for bearer shares and amending the companies law and the financial collateral law and Circular L.I.R N°14/4 of 9 January 2014 on the Luxembourg limited partnership.

See our Luxembourg Legal Update - March 2015

Luxembourg Legal Update - November 2014

This edition of our Luxembourg Legal Update covers, amongst other topics, the Law of 28 July 2014 on the immobilisation of bearer shares and units, the UCITS IV Directive, the directive on the common system of taxation applicable in case of parent companies and subsidiaries of different member states and the Circular L.G.-A N°60 of 16 June 2014 clarifying the use of non-Euro functional currency for tax purposes.

See our Luxembourg Legal Update - November 2014

Luxembourg Legal Update - July 2014

This edition of our Luxembourg Legal Update covers, amongst other topics, Bill
N°6660 of 7 March 2014 on the implementation of CRD IV, the Law of 10 March 2014 amending the Companies Law and information from the CSSF Activity Report 2013 on Bank Secrecy Waivers. 

See our Luxembourg Legal Update - July 2014

Luxembourg Legal Update - February 2014

This edition of our Luxembourg Legal Update covers, amongst other topics, Bill
N°6624 of 4 October 2013 on the reform of the companies and associations' legal publication rules, Bill N°6624 of 4 October 2013 on the lock-up mechanism of bearer shares and units and important case law on Article 100 of the Companies Law.

See our Luxembourg Legal Update - February 2014

Luxembourg Legal Update - October 2013

This edition of our Luxembourg Legal Update covers, amongst other topics, the Law of 12 July 2013 which revises the Insurance Sector Law and the Law of 12 July 2013 implementing the AIFM Directive.

See our Luxembourg Legal Update - October 2013

Luxembourg Legal Update - June 2013

This edition of our Luxembourg Legal Update covers, amongst other topics, the Law of 6 April 2013 on the dematerialisation of securities and Bill N°6543 on electronic archiving.

See our Luxembourg Legal Update - June 2013

Luxembourg Legal Update - February 2013

This edition of our Luxembourg Legal Update covers, amongst other topics, the Law of 21 December (enacting Bill N°6366) on family offices and the CSSF Circular 12/545 on the squeeze-out and sell-out procedures for companies whose securities are (or were) listed on a regulated market.

See our Luxembourg Legal Update - February 2013

Luxembourg Legal Update - October 2012

This edition of our Luxembourg Legal Update covers, amongst other topics, the Law of 21 July 2012 on the squeeze-out and sell-out of securities issued by companies whose securities are listed or have been listed on a regulated market, or have been subject to a takeover bid, and the Regulation (EU) N°465/2012 on the new EU rules for social security.

See our Luxembourg Legal Update - October 2012

Luxembourg Legal Update - May 2012

This edition of our Luxembourg Legal Update covers, amongst other topics, Bill N° 6398 on the modification of the Insurance Sector Law and the Grand Ducal Regulation of 14 December on the new mandatory procedure for the filing of financial information with the Luxembourg register of commerce.

See our Luxembourg Legal Update - May 2012

Luxembourg Legal Update - January 2012

This edition of our Luxembourg Legal Update covers, amongst other topics, the Law of 28 October 2011 on the implementation of the credit rating agency regulation, the Law of 2 September 2011 on business licenses and the Law of 28 October 2011 on remuneration policies in the Financial Sector.

See our Luxembourg Legal Update - January 2012

Luxembourg Legal Update - September 2011

This edition of our Luxembourg Legal Update covers, amongst other topics, the Law of 24 May 2011 on the reform of shareholders' right in shareholders' meetings of listed companies, the Law of 3 August 2011 on the reform or reporting and documentation requirements in cases of mergers and divisions of companies and the Law of 24 May 2011 on services in the (EU) internal market.

See our Luxembourg Legal Update - September 2011

Luxembourg Legal Update - May 2011

This edition of our Luxembourg Legal Update covers, amongst other topics, the Law of 28 April 2011 on Capital Requirement Directives (CRD) and the CSSF Circular 11/505 on remuneration policies in the Financial Sector.

See our Luxembourg Legal Update - May 2011

Luxembourg Legal Update - January 2011

This edition of our Luxembourg Legal Update covers, amongst other topics, the Law 17 December 2010 on Undertakings for Collective Investments (UCIs) and the new judicial procedures concerning public contracts.

See our Luxembourg Legal Update - January 2011