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Clifford Chance advises JCHX on JV with Cordoba Minerals to jointly-develop Alacrán copper-gold-silver project in Colombia

15 December 2022

Clifford Chance advises JCHX on JV with Cordoba Minerals to jointly-develop Alacrán copper-gold-silver project in Colombia

Leading international law firm Clifford Chance has advised leading mining construction company JCHX Mining Management Co., Ltd. (JCHX) on the international aspects of its US$100 million acquisition of a 50% ownership interest in CMH Colombia S.A.S. (CMH), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Canadian listed mineral exploration company Cordoba Minerals Corp. (Cordoba), converting CMH into a 50:50 joint venture between JCHX and Cordoba.

CMH will own 100% of the Alacrán Project, which is set to be the largest copper mine in Colombia. The Alacrán deposit is part of the Cordoba-owned San Matias project, located within the municipality of Puerto Libertador in the south of the Córdoba region.

China Co-Managing Partner Terence Foo said, "This transaction highlights continued investor interest in the metals and mining sectors, especially because the global transition towards clean energy and the development of EVs, solar and wind power, and infrastructure rely on key metals such as copper."

Terence was supported by senior associate Kanglin Liu, associates Wanyi Yan and Jiahong Cai, and trainee Xiaohan Sun. McCarthy Tétrault and Gómez-Pinzón provided Canadian and Colombian local law advice.

Clifford Chance had previously advised JCHX on its acquisition of a 19.9% stake in Cordoba in 2019.

高伟绅为金诚信与Cordoba Minerals设立合资公司共同开发哥伦比亚Alacrán铜金银矿项目提供法律服务

国际领先律师事务所高伟绅为金诚信矿业管理股份有限公司(“金诚信”)以1亿美元收购加拿大上市公司Cordoba Minerals Corp. (“Cordoba矿业”) 的全资子公司CMH Colombia S.A.S. (“CMH”)50%的股权提供法律服务,交易完成后,CMH将成为金诚信与Cordoba矿业各持有50%股权的合资公司。

CMH将100%持有Alacrán项目,该项目预计将成为哥伦比亚最大的铜矿。Alacrán项目是Cordoba矿业在科尔多瓦地区南部普埃尔托利贝尔塔多市拥有的San Matias项目的一部分。

高伟绅中国区联席管理合伙人符国成律师表示:这项交易突显了投资者对金属和矿业的持续兴趣,尤其是因为全球向清洁能源转型,同时电动汽车、太阳能和风能以及基础设施的发展都依赖于铜等关键金属。本交易由符国成律师领导,由刘康麟、严婉怡、蔡佳宏及孙笑涵就本项目国际法律服务方面提供支持。McCarthy Tétrault 和Gómez-Pinzón为本交易分别提供加拿大和哥伦比亚法方面的法律服务。

高伟绅曾于2019年为金诚信收购Cordoba 矿业19.9%的股份提供法律服务。