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Clifford Chance

Clifford Chance
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Clifford Chance marks Gay Pride with tenth annual international LGBT art exhibition

20 June 2017

Clifford Chance marks Gay Pride with tenth annual international LGBT art exhibition

Clifford Chance is celebrating Gay Pride with an international series of exhibitions showcasing the work of some of the best lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) and supporter artists at its offices in Amsterdam, London, Paris, Hong Kong, New York, Washington D.C., Sydney, Singapore and, for the first time, Perth.

Organised by Arcus, the firm's LGBT and allies employee network, the London strand of the exhibition will be held on the building's ground floor and feature works from eight artists. The works themselves vary immensely in both their construction and size, yet all reflect on the challenges still faced by the LGBT community. The exhibiting artists are: Annie Attridge, Paul Coombs, Lothar Götz, Martin Gustavsson, Louise Leonard, Mark Hamish Morrow, Fiona Shaw and Matt Smith.

Clifford Chance senior partner Malcolm Sweeting comments: "I am immensely proud of the Arcus network's achievements over the past ten years, from its pro bono and community partnerships to its vital role in assisting our recruitment team in recruiting and retaining the best talent, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

"The highlight of the Arcus calendar is the annual Pride Art exhibition which has grown to be one of the biggest corporate supported exhibitions of work by LGBT+ artists in the world, with parallel exhibitions occurring simultaneously in several of our offices.".

Michael Petry, artist and founding curator of the London exhibitions, adds: "Many things have become much more equal for LGBTQ people in the UK, like marriage and civil partnerships, yet at the same time disturbing events from Chechnya to the USA continue to threaten and undermine the safety and rights of LGBTQ people. So while we have a lot to celebrate, we also still have to keep looking over our shoulder, or directly at those who actively aim to harm LGBTQ people, for they are not a fiction, they are not an art work, nor are they performance art. In their own way, all of the exhibiting artists do just that."