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Clifford Chance

Clifford Chance


Unlocking UK's net zero investment

29 March 2023

As one of the first countries to enact net zero emissions legislation, the UK has led in its ambitions to deliver the net zero transition. Given the scale of the investment required and the ambitious timelines, it is clear that delivering on these net zero targets will require the deployment of substantial private capital.

The CBI, in partnership with Clifford Chance, worked with investors and businesses to identify “pull factors” for net zero investments and propose immediate actions that need to be prioritised by the government to strengthen the UK’s offer. UK businesses believe that the government’s ambition should be to become one of the destinations of choice for green capital directed to industries, technologies and services of the future. And the time to take action is now.

Find out more about the report.

This report is also mentioned in an article produced by CityAM.

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