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Clifford Chance

Clifford Chance


Energy Bill: A milestone but still more work to do

30 November 2012

After months of speculation, and political wrangling, the UK Government has finally unveiled its new Energy Bill which paves the way for the Government's landmark electricity market reforms.  In addition to framework powers on financial support for low carbon generation and energy performance standards, the Bill also contains new powers to set an electricity decarbonisation target but, disappointingly, leaving the actual target to be decided by the next Parliament.  New energy efficiency measures are also set out in a consultation, to the dismay of campaigners who complain that the only measures looking at reducing energy are not to be found in the Bill.  This Briefing focuses on the Feed-In Tariff Contract for Difference, the Capacity Mechanism and the new consultation on Electricity Demand Reduction whilst offering some comment on some of the other principal developments on Electricity Market Reform.

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