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Clifford Chance

Clifford Chance


European Insolvency Procedures 2011 Edition

25 August 2011

Clifford Chance is delighted to announce that the 2011 edition of its brochure 'European Insolvency Procedures' is now available.

Adrian Cohen, partner in the restructuring and insolvency group in London and European liaison partner, notes "This latest edition provides an update to the developments in each of the key European jurisdictions, including how the different corporate insolvency regimes operate in those jurisdictions. The brochure aims to assist clients assess credit risks and potential impacts of formal insolvency procedures on realising security across Europe and contains a useful comparative table on issues such as the automatic stay, the ability to cram down creditors, and potential lender liability." The updated version includes coverage of the new developments in France, a summary of proposed reforms in Germany, and guidance on the new reforms that have taken place in Italy. For the first time we have extended the guide to include Russia.

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